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URLAUBSARCHITEKTUR is Europe’s leading online portal for architecturally outstanding holiday homes. We’ve published a series of award-winning books – available in bookshops or directly in our online shop.

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Designed by architects for travel enthusiasts: Our curated collection of outstanding holiday accomodations – also via map. Do you already know our new entry?


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Statement: HolidaySOLIDARITY

Much has been written about the very nature of the crisis. Some say that it offers opportunities, opens up new paths and allows us to focus on what is really important. It shakes our foundations and thus brings things to the surface that we have so far ignored – say others.

For sure Corona reveals certain circumstances and forces us to take a critical look at our convictions and actions. We redefine our priorities and decide more consciously than before what is important to us and what we want to support.

During the many weeks of “retreat”, our own four walls have taken on a completely new function: They have become the only space in which all areas of our lives unfold,  headquarters for private and professional multitasking – 24/7. As a result, enriching living concepts and architecture have gained a whole new appreciation.

At the same time, our need to “get out” and the longing for a change of scenery, for unknown places and new horizons is intensifying: we are all looking forward more than ever to the next HOLIDAY !

Our hosts are just as much looking forward to finally welcoming guests to their homes again.

For many of them the last weeks were a complicated balancing act. Most of the UA hosts are small businesses or private owners who run their houses with a lot of idealism and commitment. The large number of cancellations, combined with the related refund of deposits and the dubious payment demands from the giant booking platforms, has put many hosts in an extremely critical financial situation in recent weeks, some of which threaten their existence.

Therefore, we would like to explicitly call again for holiday solidarity:

Dear guests: Please continue to book directly with your UA hosts. They need your support! The UA accommodations can only exist without depending on the big booking portals. Being a guest and not just a consumer is a conscious decision that sets the course for an appreciative hospitality.

At this point we would like to express our gratitude to all the numerous hosts and guests who have shown great understanding and kindness to the other party over the past weeks. The often different legal regulations concerning the cancellation of bookings in the European countries have created great challenges for everyone involved. The fact that in most cases friendly solutions were found together confirms our belief: URLAUB is a state of mind!

With this in mind, we all wish you a speedy change of scenery, stay safe!

Warm regards, the URLAUBSARCHITEKTUR-team

One Comment

Schön: Gast zu sein und nicht nur Konsument.
Ihre wöchentlichen Newsletter, auf ihre besondere Art auch die der vergangenen Wochen, erfreuen mein Herz und bringen mich zum Träumen. So viele wunderschöne Orte durften wir schon mit der urlaubsarchitektur entdecken…
Danke und bleiben Sie guten Mutes. Und: nichts ist sicher. Aber das ist sicher.

Eva-Maria Ullmann sagt:

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For booking enquiries, please contact the respective accommodation. How does HOLIDAYARCHITECTURE work? Read our FAQ.