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Gutshof Kraatz

Gutshof Kraatz

With the redevelopment of the Kraatz Estate in the Uckermark, Florian Profitlich and Edda Müller have fulfilled their dream of country life and brought new life to the old property. The conversion of stables and barns was a challenge, but now you can spend your holiday here in listed architecture.  Organic materials such as hemp, clay plaster or chalk paints as well as historical materials such as old bricks, doors or windows were used for the renovation.

In the former coach house, you will now enjoy living and sleeping behind broad arched windows and old brick walls. You can even work here, as the coach house has a large studio and work space which can be rented additionally. The studio can also be used as a second bedroom. With the sofa bed in the kitchen-living room there is room for up to six guests in the coach house.

A second apartment is located in an old farmhouse from the 1930s. Its original exterior, with muntin windows and an old front door, has been retained, and the interior is decorated with furniture and accessories from the 20s and 30s. On the ground floor there is the kitchen, the dining room, a bedroom and a large bathroom. On the upper floor you will find a living room with a wood-burning stove, three more bedrooms and a bathroom.

There is a wine press in one of the listed barns on the estate. Here, old apple and pear varieties, which grow in the orchards of the surrounding area, are processed in the traditional way to – award-winning! – wine and juice. The restaurant Weinschänke Kraatz in the former cowshed (open from Easter to December) serves seasonal cuisine made from regional products. A small farm shop completes the offer.

What to do

In one of its listed barns there is a wine press house where (award-winning) wine and juice are made from old apples and pear varieties. The restaurant Weinschänke Kraatz (open from Easter to December) serves seasonal cuisine made from regional products.

Why we like this house

A successful example of the conversion of rural farm buildings in the Uckermark. The old walls have been given a new purpose; the maintenance of the old orchards contributes to the preservation of the cultural landscape. Here you can enjoy a holiday in historic buildings surrounded by nature. The wine press house and restaurant provide regional delicacies for your physical well-being.

This house is great for

Guests who are looking for nature and relaxation. Connoisseurs, families, holidays with friends.


2013 Gutshof Kraatz was awarded the special climate prize within the Tourism Awards Uckermark.

Owner picture


Florian Profitlich and his former wife bought the old granary in Kraatz as a residential house in 2001. Ten years later, when they felt welcomed in the village, the attached coach house was ready to be used as a holiday home. Shortly after, there was a large barn for sale on the neighbouring property and with the project of a small holiday home grew into a business of fruit processing with a wine tavern. "We are happy to welcome curious guests who want to know about old fruit varieties and their processing into wines, juices and spirits."

Gutshof Kraatz
Gutshof Kraatz
Gutshof Kraatz
Gutshof Kraatz
Gutshof Kraatz
Gutshof Kraatz
Gutshof Kraatz
Gutshof Kraatz
Gutshof Kraatz


Region DE – Germany, Brandenburg, Uckermark, Kraatz
Name Gutshof Kraatz
Scenery in the Uckermark Lakes Nature Park
Number of guests Remise up to 6 people, Farmhouse up to 8 people
Completed 2010 coach house, 2013 farmhouse
Design Florian Profitlich, Kraatz/Berlin
Published Berliner Zeitung 9/19, Sagenhaft Uckermark MDR 2017, ARD Ratgeber Haus + Garten 23.9.12, Die Welt 14.10.2011, Zeitmagazin 3.2011
Awards 2013 special award within the Tourism Awards Uckermark. 2014 the farmhouse has been awarded in the competition "Regional typical building in the Schorfheide Chorin", 2016 Tourism Award Uckermark.
Architecture Listed building - old, Old & new
Accomodation Apartment, House
Criteria 1-8 (house/apartment), Barrier-free, Garden, Restaurant, Wine, Workation, excellent sustainability, Own agriculture

Availability calendar

The calendar shows the current availability of the accommodation. On days with a white background, the accommodation is still fully available. If an accommodation has more than one rentable unit, days with free capacities are shown with a light grey background. On days with a dark grey background, the accommodation is not available.



Wir waren im Sommer eine Woche im Bauernhaus und haben dies – wie das ganze Ensemble des Gutshofes und die Gastfreundschaft der Besitzer – sehr genossen. Im Bauernhaus ist alles stilecht bis ins Detail im 50er Jahre Stil eingerichtet, allerdings mit dem Komfort und Platz unserer Zeit. Besonders gefielen uns die gut ausgestattete Küche und das geräumige Bad. Obwohl es heiß war, war es im Haus angenehm kühl. Unseren Besuch konnten wir gut empfangen, der große Tisch im Eßzimmer bot Platz für eine große Runde. Mit etwas vom Schönsten war, dass wir in der "Weinschenke" gleich nebenan essen konnten, die Küche ist phantasievoll und wunderbar passend zur Jahreszeit, natürlich alles regional. Auch erwähnenswert ist die herrliche Weite der Landschaft und die vielen Seen. Wir werden wieder kommen und können einen Aufenthalt im Gutshof Kraatz – egal ob mit Familie oder einer Gruppe Freunde – wärmstens empfehlen!

S. Braemer und I. Osswald sagt:

Mein Mann und ich waren letztes Jahr in Kraatz. Es hat uns äusserst gut gefallen. Wir haben uns sehr wohl gefühlt. Fr. Müller und Hr. Profitlich betreiben den Gutshof und die Weinschänke mit viel Herz. Das spürt man in jedem noch so kleinen Detail und schmeckt es bei jedem Glas Apfelsaft. Wir fahren dieses Jahr wieder hin. Schön, dass es so etwas gibt.

Rusanna Werbicki sagt:

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