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Vorarlberg in Austria has long been in the international league of destinations that shine with a high density and quality of building culture. The fact that this is no coincidence is due in part to the Vorarlberg Architecture Institute (vai), which recently celebrated its 25th anniversary.


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Designed by architects for travel enthusiasts: Our curated collection of outstanding holiday accomodations – also via map. Do you already know our new entry?


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Architectural culture in Vorarlberg

Architectural culture in Vorarlberg

Vorarlberg, Austria’s westernmost province, has long been in the international league of destinations that shine with a high density and quality of building culture.

The fact that this is no coincidence is due in part to the Vorarlberg Architecture Institute (vai), which recently celebrated its 25th anniversary. Congratulations!

Founded in 1997, the association now has about 400 members and has long had a professional office in Dornbirn, which takes care of the many tasks of communicating building culture.

For example, the via programmes and designs exhibitions, events, publications, actions in public space or a Vorarlberg-wide school project. In addition, the Vorarlberg Architecture Institute is represented in numerous committees and is the initiator and partner of numerous cooperations in Vorarlberg as well as in the international Baukultur network.

Maybe you’ll stop by when you’re in the area. It’s worth it!

Photo: The vai team, consisting of Verena Konrad, Jörg Meissner, Clemens Quirin and Lisa Ugrinovich (from left to right). Photo © Vorarlberger Architektur Institut


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